The Irresponsibles#experimental

The Irresponsibles was an experiment in extending the secretive quality of photographs into the cinematic dimension. Late photographer Diane Arbus put it best when she said that "a photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know."

Photographs show us only a slice, leaving the rich fullness of the moment they refer to hidden. Film has a stronger reality effect, which makes it well-suited to the immersion required for drama, worldbuilding, and surrealist inversions, but I've always been drawn to its capacity to act like extended photography. In short: to act as a 'secret about a secret'. For The Irresponsibles, I crafted 'secrets' that we clue into via cinematic 'snapshots'.

I made The Irresponsibles for the 2019 Reel Loud Film Festival, which screens silent films with live accompaniments. At the festival the voice actors performed live while I controlled the sound effects and music.

You can watch The Irresponsibles below:

designed with love <3