Yours Truly#narrative

It was my great pleasure to edit Yours Truly, collaborating with writer/director Santiago Sanchez, who is an incredibly sensitive and visionary artist, and DP Brad Virshup, who has an eye for movement and composition that I am still in awe of many years later.

Yours Truly has a broad palette of rhythms and tones, from swirling action to meditative ruminations, and I had to find a way to unify the strong feelings of alternating melancholy and hard actuality that stripe the film. The film's many flashbacks and ellipses posed an opportunity to create that dream-like cinematic magic that I crave, but also posed the risk of diminishing clarity if overdone or not transitioned into and out of carefully.

You can watch the full film below:

This was the first project I edited in Avid, and despite its thorniness in some aspects of its house-keeping and QoL features, I grew to prefer the rolling-based editing that it's built around. Because of that style, I found that my fine cuts were more intentional, more precise, and more sensitive to the minute differences in feeling at a-frame-here, a-frame-there type edits. That's a feeling I've been chasing ever since.

designed with love <3